Band Saw Set-up Video

I have a Craftsman 14″ bandsaw that is a twin brother to the Rikon (the Rikon has a few more refinements).  I am not certain whether Rikon makes the Craftsman or some third company makes both the Rikon and Craftsman.

Either way, I saw this video about fine tuning at setup and I wanted to come back to it later because currently my Craftsman bandsaw and practically every other tool I own is in a storage container right now.  We moved from Upstate NY to Venice FL but are still waiting on a permanent home … so the entire contents of my old workshop are still in a storage pod.

So here is this video to remind me of some of the fine tuning necessary when I do get the chance to set my bandsaw back up.

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  1. By Jay on September 23, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    Welcome back. Was wondering where you were. Be sure to post something soon. There are lots of good old tools down in Fla.

  2. By swirt on September 23, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    Thanks Jay,
    Unfortunately, I haven’t had much to write about with no tools in my workshop (and no workshop) to prattle on about. Good to hear you think there are some old tools down here. With the move still not quite complete, I haven’t had the time to start prowling estate and garage sales to see what’s around.

    I’ll get back to it soon, I hope.