Raising the Roof

This entry is part 16 of 21 in the series Timber Frame Gazebo

With the rafters up and in place, it was time to start nailing in the roof decking. Yes I said “nails.” I was trying to avoid them 100% but there was no way around using them for the shingles and I didn’t want pegs working themselves out against the underside of the shingles and giving the wind something to catch under. This gazebo sits at the edge of a cliff that receives some 60+mph winds off the lake. (Seneca Lake is nearly 4 miles wide at this location so the winds can really build up speed.)

Rafters in place and a few roof boards (1″ x 8″ that are ship-lapped using a rabbeting bit in the router).

Holding the roof boards down with nails. These and the ones in the shingles will be the only nails used in the structure. In my opinion they were unavoidable…and I really tried to come up with a way of doing it without them.

Great view of Seneca Lake from up here.

With nearly half of the roof decking nailed in, the rafters have become extremely stable. Stable enough to lean against without worry of tipping them or knocking them out of alignment.

The last dry day for roofing!

Rain …rain….rain. Slippery ladders and roof…wet gloves…wet feet….ick

My FIL says “Remember how you said this project was only going to take a week…well now remember how I said I was going to hold your ladder….Haaa haaa.”

Steve replies: “Your daughter will be very mad at you if I die!!! Can I please have my ladder back….quit laughing and put that camera down….please.”

Series NavigationRoof Decking and Siding PreparationCedar Shingles